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- BFKS 2019 Staffing
- Desiree Ross
BFKS Staffing Duties:
Wear Nametag with BBBS Branded Shirt/Polo
Arrive 1 hour before event start
Plan to work up to 1 hour after event end (though most will be able to leave much earlier)
You may be directed to perform more than 1 job during your shift.
Report in to events staff when you arrive.
Haul in all boxes from vehicles or stored in bowling center office.
Help to set up or arrange tables and chairs to give space for a registration area, T-shirt/swag bag area, and silent auction area.
Put table covers on tables.
Run electrical cable to registration table. Tape cable down with black Gaffer tape to prevent trip hazzard.
Wrapping up event, help pack everything into boxes and load boxes in vehicles or office.
Check with events staff to be dismissed.
T-shirt/swag bag Table x2
You will need: Boxes of each size of T-shirt, boxes of swag bags, Sharpie Marker, paper, packing tape.
-Unpack all the T-shirts and organize them by size. Keep the shirts neatly folded.
-Help attendees pick out a shirt in their size.
-After everyone has picked out their shirts, take inventory of how many of each size are remaining, pack them in their boxes and write the numbers of each size on the box.
-Unpack swag bags onto the table and hand them to attendees before they leave.
-Thank everyone for coming.
-Pack up remaining swag bags to return to office.
Registration Table x4
You will need: Fully Charged Laptop with charger and mouse, emailed link to registration sheet, internet access on location, payment envelopes, pen, square enabled credit card swiping device (phone), 2x colors of double ticket rolls for: raffle/door prize tickets, 50/50 raffle tickets, Aprons, buckets for raffle and 50/50 tickets
-Set up your laptop and connect to wifi as soon as you arrive
-Open your email and click the link to the registration sheet
-As attendees arrive, find their name on the registration sheet, highlight their name in yellow and ask them to verify email (or add if missing).
-Give each attendee a Raffle/Door Prize ticket.
-Ask attendees if they have any additional payments or donations to turn in. Record these on the sheet.
-Collect cash and checks in a separate envelope for each attendee, and record amounts of each tender, name of attendee, completed donor sheet for collected donations, team/lane and your initials.
-Swipe credit card payments on square.
-Let attendee know what lane they will be bowling on, food/drink plan. Let them know to grab a T-shirt and check out Silent Auction items, 50/50 tickets will be sold down on the lanes.
-After everyone has checked in, take the Square device and 50/50 tickets up and down the lanes to sell until about 15 minutes before end of event when we will draw the winner.
Silent Auction Table x1
You will need: Auction items, auction sheets, pens.
-Arrange all auction items on the table and create or match with auction sheet
-Set a pen with each sheet
-Monitor the table and assist customers with bidding, answering any questions about the packages
-Auction will end about 15 minutes before the end of event
-Collect all pens and move winning auction sheets behind items to call winners over the intercom.
-As winners come to pick up, collect payment via cash, check, and CC through a square device. indicate on auction sheet how it was paid and keep sheets together for reconcilliation after event.
-Pack up remaining unsold auction items to return to office.
-Pack up all remaining auction items
Lane Hosts
-Look over your assigned area (4-6 lanes) and make sure the area is clear and clean, and ready for bowlers.
-As bowlers arrive, make sure they are able to enter their names, enable bumpers if needed, and their lane is turned on for practice.
-Make sure each lane gets a pizza. If a pizza is missing, communicate this with the snack bar staff and/or events staff as needed.
-Answer any other random questions your lanes may ask (where is the restroom, where do we get drinks, what do we do with our shoes, help finding a ball).
Wear Nametag with BBBS Branded Shirt/Polo
Arrive 1 hour before event start
Plan to work up to 1 hour after event end (though most will be able to leave much earlier)
You may be directed to perform more than 1 job during your shift.
Report in to events staff when you arrive.
Haul in all boxes from vehicles or stored in bowling center office.
Help to set up or arrange tables and chairs to give space for a registration area, T-shirt/swag bag area, and silent auction area.
Put table covers on tables.
Run electrical cable to registration table. Tape cable down with black Gaffer tape to prevent trip hazzard.
Wrapping up event, help pack everything into boxes and load boxes in vehicles or office.
Check with events staff to be dismissed.
T-shirt/swag bag Table x2
You will need: Boxes of each size of T-shirt, boxes of swag bags, Sharpie Marker, paper, packing tape.
-Unpack all the T-shirts and organize them by size. Keep the shirts neatly folded.
-Help attendees pick out a shirt in their size.
-After everyone has picked out their shirts, take inventory of how many of each size are remaining, pack them in their boxes and write the numbers of each size on the box.
-Unpack swag bags onto the table and hand them to attendees before they leave.
-Thank everyone for coming.
-Pack up remaining swag bags to return to office.
Registration Table x4
You will need: Fully Charged Laptop with charger and mouse, emailed link to registration sheet, internet access on location, payment envelopes, pen, square enabled credit card swiping device (phone), 2x colors of double ticket rolls for: raffle/door prize tickets, 50/50 raffle tickets, Aprons, buckets for raffle and 50/50 tickets
-Set up your laptop and connect to wifi as soon as you arrive
-Open your email and click the link to the registration sheet
-As attendees arrive, find their name on the registration sheet, highlight their name in yellow and ask them to verify email (or add if missing).
-Give each attendee a Raffle/Door Prize ticket.
-Ask attendees if they have any additional payments or donations to turn in. Record these on the sheet.
-Collect cash and checks in a separate envelope for each attendee, and record amounts of each tender, name of attendee, completed donor sheet for collected donations, team/lane and your initials.
-Swipe credit card payments on square.
-Let attendee know what lane they will be bowling on, food/drink plan. Let them know to grab a T-shirt and check out Silent Auction items, 50/50 tickets will be sold down on the lanes.
-After everyone has checked in, take the Square device and 50/50 tickets up and down the lanes to sell until about 15 minutes before end of event when we will draw the winner.
Silent Auction Table x1
You will need: Auction items, auction sheets, pens.
-Arrange all auction items on the table and create or match with auction sheet
-Set a pen with each sheet
-Monitor the table and assist customers with bidding, answering any questions about the packages
-Auction will end about 15 minutes before the end of event
-Collect all pens and move winning auction sheets behind items to call winners over the intercom.
-As winners come to pick up, collect payment via cash, check, and CC through a square device. indicate on auction sheet how it was paid and keep sheets together for reconcilliation after event.
-Pack up remaining unsold auction items to return to office.
-Pack up all remaining auction items
Lane Hosts
-Look over your assigned area (4-6 lanes) and make sure the area is clear and clean, and ready for bowlers.
-As bowlers arrive, make sure they are able to enter their names, enable bumpers if needed, and their lane is turned on for practice.
-Make sure each lane gets a pizza. If a pizza is missing, communicate this with the snack bar staff and/or events staff as needed.
-Answer any other random questions your lanes may ask (where is the restroom, where do we get drinks, what do we do with our shoes, help finding a ball).
hours pledged51

In Support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay, Inc
Our mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.