Bowl for Kids' Sake is Big Brothers Big Sisters largest national fundraiser, raising over $20 million annually for children in need across the country. Because of Bowl for Kids' Sake, more Bigs and Littles can be paired up, more friendships can be created and improved outlooks on life can be started.
See a listing of our upcoming bowling events, or click the link to one of our specialty bowling events below.Bowling Party Dates:Sat 4/5 12-2p Sunrise Lanes, St Petersburg PINELLASSat 4/12 3-5p Orange Bowl Lanes, Lakeland POLKSat 4/26 12-2p Pin Chasers Midtown, Tampa HILLSBOROUGH
Specialty Bowl Events (Separate registration required):
CareCentrix Bowl Sat 4/26 12-2p
Construction Bowl Tue 4/29 4p-6p
Chiefs' Challenge Sat 5/3 2-4p
Battle of the Brokers Tue 6/10 4p-6pBowl for Kids' Sake is a fun and easy way to positively impact a child's life. Just follow the simple steps below:1) Start a team - Teams are formed with five or six members. Consider creating a team with family, friends, fraternity brothers, sorority sisters, or co-workers.2) Start securing sponsorship - Most bowlers raise about $170, but many people raise over $1,000. What impact do you want to have?The best part is that all of the event expenses are underwritten by our corporate sponsors. That means 100% of the money raised by bowlers goes directly towards supporting children served by Big Brothers Big Sisters in your community.3) Start bowling - After you have secured your sponsorships, it's time to have fun! If you attend one of our Thank You bowling parties you'll receive two free games of bowling (shoe and ball rental included!), a Bowl for Kids' Sake t-shirt, food, drinks, chances to win door prizes!So what are you waiting for? Start your team today! Partnering with Big Brothers Big Sisters through Bowl for Kids' Sake makes a positive, long-lasting impact on children in your community. Our mentoring works. It works to help broaden children's perspectives and help them learn how to make good choices. It starts a child on the path to fulfilling their potential and succeeding in school and life.BIG THANKS to our CAMPAIGN SPONSORS: Tampa Bay Rays & Rowdies Foundation, Flowbird, Publix Charities and Courtesy Automotive.
raised of $125,000 goal0
days left -
$750 fee
Lane Sponsor
• Sponsor a lane with up to 5 bowlers at one of our Community events. • Lane sign promoting your team • 2 hours of bowling and shoes • One pizza and one pitcher of beer per lane • BFKS T-shirts for each bowler • SWAG, Fun, and more!
PURCHASE$1,500 feeVIP Lane Sponsor
• All benefits of a Lane Sponsor, PLUS: • Unlimited/Open food and drink at a bowling event
PURCHASE$3,000 feePin Sponsor
• All benefits of a VIP Lane Sponsor, PLUS: • Company name/logo on promotional material for an estimated 3000 participants across Tampa Bay: including brochures, event signage, t-shirts, posters, event letterhead, news releases, agency website, social media.
PURCHASE$5,000 feeSpare Sponsor
• All Pin Sponsor benefits, PLUS: • Host an informational table at events and be a guest DJ making company announcements every hour • Opportunity to place a specialty item in the gift bag • Listing in annual report
PURCHASE$10,000 feeStrike Sponsor
• All Spare Sponsor benefits, PLUS: • Premier placement of company logo on promotional material • Name/logo in ad space in partner newspapers and in radio tags with participating radio sponsors.
PURCHASE$20,000 feeDouble Strike Sponsor
• All Strike Sponsor benefits, PLUS: • Opportunity to co-host major events