To our dedicated friends and supporters,
We want to keep you apprised of all we are doing at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay to ensure the health and safety of our staff, donors,volunteers, Littles and their families.
In an abundance of caution, we are suspending all Bowl for Kids’Sake bowling parties until we navigate this ever-changing situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19). Helping to mitigate the spread of the virus means minimizing contact with large groups of people,especially at indoor events. With Bowl for Kids’ Sake being our oldest national fundraiser and a major line of revenue to support our programs and the almost 3,000 children we serve across our community, it is imperative that we continue fundraising for this important campaign. We still need your help! The good part is that you can STILL register a team and fundraise! Instead of having the physical bowling parties that were scheduled, we will be holding a VIRTUAL Bowl for Kids’ Sake campaign.
Thanks to our wonderful partners, we are able to offer some incredible prizes for those teams who raise $50 or more as a thank you for your financial support until we are able to reschedule our bowling parties to celebrate everyone’s accomplishments.
Please stay tuned to our website (bbbstampabay.org) and our social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & LinkedIn)for official updates.
We are resilient in our mission to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. Thank you for all you do to support us in these endeavors, as we need you now more than ever.
Wishing you and yours the best of health,
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay
Sun. 3/29 2-4pm: Pin Chasers Midtown, 4847 N Armenia Ave, Tampa 33603
Bowl for Kids' Sake is Big Brothers Big Sisters largest national fundraiser, raising over $20 million annually for children in need across the country. Because of Bowl for Kids' Sake, more Bigs and Littles can be paired up, more friendships can be created and improved outlooks on life can be started.Bowl for Kids' Sake is a fun and easy way to positively impact a child's life. Just follow the simple steps below:1) Start a team - Teams are formed with five or six members. Consider creating a team with family, friends, fraternity brothers, sorority sisters, or co-workers.2) Start securing sponsorship -
Most bowlers raise about $170, but many people raise over $1,000. What impact do you want to have?The best part is that all of the event expenses are underwritten by our corporate sponsors. That means 100% of the money raised by bowlers goes directly towards supporting children served by Big Brothers Big Sisters in your community.3) Start bowling - After you have secured your sponsorships, it's time to have fun! You'll receive two free games of bowling (shoe and ball rental included!), a Bowl for Kids' Sake t-shirt, food, drinks, chances to win door prizes!So what are you waiting for? Start your team today! Partnering with Big Brothers Big Sisters through Bowl for Kids' Sake makes a positive, long-lasting impact on children in your community. Our mentoring works. It works to help broaden children's perspectives and help them learn how to make good choices. It starts a child on the path to fulfilling their potential and succeeding in school and life.
raised of $10,000 goal17
teams -
Location / Venue
- Add to Calendar
- Address:
- Pin Chasers Midtown
- 4847 N Armenia Ave
- Tampa, FL 33603
- Time:
- Mar 29, 2020 2:00pm - 4:00pm ET